Round toilets and the almost custom-made round toilet seat replacement!
It may seem unbelievable, but throughout the history of bathroom furniture, many companies have presented on the market series of sanitary ware with a perfectly round shape, a perfect circle. We will see how, in order to maintain the perfect circle and the comfort of use, they have used a diameter of 38, 39, 40 cm (which will therefore be the width of the toilet seat). There are ceramic companies that see it as a shape of primary importance and therefore have produced several series with this geometric shape and others that have never taken it into consideration. We will show you how, although the shape of the circle in the upper part of the sanitaryware is the same for all, ceramic companies have been able to develop unique customisations in the body of the sanitaryware. Let’s start with a company that has made a trend out of round sanitaryware: Galassia.

ARKE’ Galassia series
We have always thought that this vase is worthy of the top-ten list of the 10 best shapes designed by ceramic manufacturers. We certainly consider it the icon of round shapes. It was called Arkè by Galassia and was a best seller in this category. A circle (40 cm wide) that decreases to a cone and squared elements to complete the body of the sanitary ware make it an object of design cut. Its original toilet seat is still available at the following link [ open LINK ]

EL1 Galassia series
It is the heir to Arkè. The ceramic manufacturer proposed it a few years ago. Following the trend of sanitary ware shapes in this period, starting from the circle (39 cm wide) at the top, it has made the body of the sanitary ware softer and with fewer edges. It is certainly a more contemporary and distinctive shape, but in our opinion it has lost some of its uniqueness. Its original toilet seat cover and the version in coated wood are always available in the Sintesibagno store at the following link [ open LINK ]

WIND Vitruvit series
In this toilet produced by Vitruvit called Wind, the geometric element is also an integral part of the body of the sanitary ware. Everything develops from the upper circle that descends, slightly reducing towards the floor. To give the user comfort, the body has been tilted slightly by a few degrees. Essential and clean lines. A great sanitary ware. The toilet seat is available in the dedicated variant however perfect, you can find it at the following link [ open LINK ]

You&Me Hatria sanitaryware
A brilliant series by Hatria: You&Me. We talked about it in the article on small WC seats [ open LINK ]. Here, too, the upper part is a perfect circle, but it is the body of the sanitaryware that is revolutionary, very square shapes that perfectly match the spherical curves. You can find the toilet seat covers for this series at the following links: the version in white coated wood (the one in the pictures) [ open LINK ], the thermosetting version with wrap-around cover and slow motion hinges at the following link [ open LINK ]

STARCK 1 Duravit series
We quote directly from the Duravit catalogue: “Bucket, tub and basin. With Starck 1, Philippe Starck and Duravit have returned to the origins of hygiene, body care and well-being. The series therefore also describes the evolution of the bathroom. The toilet, bathtub and washbasin are a clear reference to their historical ancestors: the bucket, tub and basin (and we add CERCHIO), albeit completely reinterpreted. A circular shape with a diameter of 42 cm (width). Here a small precision on the toilet seats, at the following link you will find the original version and the dedicated variant much sought after because much more robust, here is the link [ open LINK ]
As always, we leave you with the advice that if you don’t know which series of sanitary ware you have in your bathroom, you should follow our video tutorial to find the right toilet seat: