Axa (Unoceramiche) certainly does not go unnoticed among companies in the ceramics/bathroom furnishing sector! We can consider it a young company of the ceramic district of Civita Castellana that has grown quickly in terms of production numbers and brand diffusion. All this thanks to the research of modern, young, high quality and stylistic sanitaryware lines. An Axa sanitary ware is unmistakable in its shape. In some previous posts we have already met some Axa series, in the post: ”Sanitary ware and toilet seats with non standard wheelbase (part 2)”, in the post: ”Odd and unusual sanitary shapes and their toilet seats (part 2)” and even in the post: ”Large sanitary ware (old models) and their unobtainalbe toilet seats”.

AXA series ONE Unoceramiche
It took very little to set a modern, streamlined floor-standing planter apart from the competition. Axa has succeeded in doing this by adding a small aesthetic detail that is also functional. That small rear elevation enhances the typical shape of this type of sanitary ware and, above all, prevents the impurities typical of toilets from reaching the wall and “stagnating” there, making cleaning easier! Axa One is beautiful and useful! A further aesthetic value generated by the step is that once the toilet seat is mounted, the upper part of the seat will be perfectly aligned with the step itself, creating a very refined continuous plane. We recommend the use of the original toilet seat on this toilet bowl (although a cheaper replica is available in the store), first of all for a perfect aesthetic result, and secondly because the toilet bowl itself falls into the special wheelbase category with 24.5/25 cm. The original toilet seat can be found in the Sintesibagno store at the following link [ clik HERE ]

CONTEA series by Axa Ceramiche
We have rightly talked about this series called Contea already in the post: ”Classic-Retro-English Style Sanitary ware and their toilet seats (part 1)” where we saw it together with its direct competitors: ANTALIA by Dolomite, ELLADE by Hidra, ARCADE Old England by Simas, MAGICA by Faleri. If you are looking for an image or a shape of sanitary ware in classic/retro style to give a good idea of that antiqued style this is the most suitable series and the most used by bathroom furniture magazines. Its particular teardrop shaped toilet seat is clearly available in the Sintesibagno store at the following link [ clik HERE ]

ROND series by Axa Ceramiche
Seen from above, it is the classic C shape of modern sanitary ware. However, Axa has created a very special line in the body and called it Rond. In the upper part of the body, importance has been given to a band that continues the geometric design starting from the bottom and making the remaining part of the sanitaryware body very minimal. Very special! Like other Axa WCs, Rond has a special, non-standard centre distance. The centre distance of the toilet seat is: 23,5/24 cm. You can find its particular toilet seat at the following link [ clik HERE ]

AXA 2 series Unoceramiche
This is the restyling of the Axa One series. The design of the rear step has been carried over to the inside of the body. This creates a very interesting play on proportions and depth changes. You can clearly see the starting DNA, but with these small changes a completely new series has been created. Its original toilet seat cover is available at the following link [ clik HERE ]

CLIVIA series by Axa Ceramiche
It is one of Axa‘s historic and now discontinued series. It was called Clivia. The style is that of the period in which it was presented, the 80s and 90s, and in fact it recalls many of the ceramic series we saw in the post: “Sanitaryware from the 80s and 90s. Finding the toilet seat”. This series was also presented in both the floor-standing and suspended versions. Pay attention to the choice of the toilet seat because they are different. Both the model for the floor-standing version and the model for the wall-hung version can be found at the following link [ clik HERE ]
We have seen some Axa sanitary ware/ceramics and their toilet seats. It could be that you have not found your sanitary ware and therefore do not know which toilet seat to order. No problem, just send us an email to or a WhatsApp message to 3341288978 with two pictures of your toilet seat and a few measurements and we will be able to help you choose. Here is the video on how to proceed in the search for a toilet seat: