We have already seen in many previous posts how ceramic companies have asked designers to design ceramic shapes and styles that have allowed them to conquer the national and international bathroom market. We discovered Antonio Bullo in the post: “Antonio Bullo, the style of the bathroom designer who revolutionised ceramic series. The 🚽 Clodia, Sweet life, Daytime, Dolcevita and Nexo toilet seats…” where we saw his ceramic series for Dolomite and Hatria. We discovered Francesco Lucchese’s innovative style here: “Francesco Lucchese: a multidisciplinary designer who surprises the bathroom furnishing sector. The ceramic series for Olympia and Hatria. Where to find 🚽 toilet seat covers?” with its YOU&ME and CRYSTAL series. In the post: “Antonio Citterio and the partnership with Pozzi-Ginori. Legendary ceramic series and their toilet seats” we met the designer who gave style back to the Pozzi Ginori series and designed: EASY.02, 500 series, 900 series and Q3. In the post: “The first designers of the bathroom world: Ponti, Castiglioni, Aulenti. Historical sanitary ware and toilet seats” we saw the pioneers of the Ideal Standard style and the ceramic series: PONTI Z, ONDINE, AQUATONDA, LINDA and TONDA. We saw: ”Antonia CAMPI. The incredible Lavenite, Richard Ginori and Pozzi Ginori sanitary ware series designed by her and their toilet seat covers” and the ceramic series Lavenite, Ginori: SQUARE, TORENA, TABOR and CONCHIGLIA. We have seen: “ASTRA Ceramiche design F. Valeri. The beginnings of ceramic style in the bathroom. The old series and their strange toilet seats” with its series: GEMMA, Series 83, FORMA, Pantheon and Versailles. We have seen how the leading German company has chosen: “Philippe Starck and the Duravit ceramic series. Original VS Dedicated toilet seats which one to choose?” which gave birth to its series bearing the STARCK name in the various editions: 1,2,3 and ME. We have seen: “Terri Pecora and its designer sanitary ware. Never more than in these cases are original or perfectly dedicated toilet seats needed” how she managed to give a clearly defined style to the Simas series: LUNA, FLOW, BOHEMIEN and E-LINE. And as we shall see today, it doesn’t end there….
Ego series Kerasan design Anzellini

The Civita Castellana company Kerasan discovered it in the post: “Kerasan sanitary ware crosses all styles of bathroom furnishing. Toilet seats in all shapes” where we saw that its foundation dates back to 1960. An incredible history of successful shapes. The formal renewal, compared to the old production, was partly linked to the name of designer Alfredo Anzellini for the company will design FLO, RETRO’ and EGO which we will talk about and you can see in the image opposite. It is one of the company’s most successful rectangular-shaped series. And we in the Sintesibagno team also included it in our selection of the 10 best series with this shape in the history of bathroom furniture (HERE the LINK) where it is celebrated alongside recent and more historic series from the calibo of: CONCA, VELARA, EMILIA, TERRA, FROZEN, SPACE STONE…. The perfectly rectangular top of the vase may recall other ceramic series from the competition, but it is in the body that the novelty lies. The idea comes from designer Simone Anzellini: Ego can be defined as a rectangle without edges. The company describes it as “rounded squaring”. You can find its toilet seat cover like the Orginal in thermoset with wrap-around lid in the Sintesibagno store at the following link [ clik here ]
M2 series Galassia design Adolini

Romano Adolini has collaborated with many companies in the bathroom furnishing sector. With Galassia he presents an innovative ceramic project based on the oval shape: M2. Same series, three different depths: 55, 50 and 45. In our opinion, it is among the most successful series from a proportional point of view. Thus the company website (https://www.ceramicagalassia.it/catalogo/) describes it: “Minimalist design, balanced shapes and a wide range are the main features of this collection, a versatile response to living requirements and well suited to both large and very small rooms.” We have seen other ceramic series with different depths in the post HERE. In the Sintesibagno store, a toilet seat section has been created where you will find all three models with measurements so that you will not go wrong in your purchase at the following link [ clik here ]
FORMOSA series Olympia design ZILIANI

Few times has it happened that the name of an object represents its essence as in this case. Marcello Ziliani with this ceramic series he wants to make people think of the feminine side of the world and express all its sensuality. He therefore decided to call it: Formosa. Soft curves that narrow like hips characterise it and make it as unique as every woman. The distinctiveness can be seen either by looking at the vase from the side or by looking at it from above. On a sanitary ware of this type it is only possible to fit its original thermoset toilet seat, which you can find in the Sintesibagno store at the following link [ clik here ]