Globo Open Space series sanitaryware and their covers: Concept, Stone, Space Bowl, Space Free

With this project, Ceramica Globo entered the new millennium and became one of the companies that from then on can be said to produce modern, designer sanitaryware. We have already talked about this company from Civita Castellana in several posts: in this one “Teardrop-sheped sanitaryware and toilet seats. Narrow at the back and and wide at the front (part 2)”, we have already seen AFFETTO and GRACE among the recently produced sanitary ware. We have also seen many other series that are now out of production because old models such as: AMICA (large vases [ clik HERE ]), CLIO (pots type Conca/interspace 18), LEI, RONDA, PAESTUM, BONSAI and CANOVA (old discontinued Ceramica Globo sanitary ware models [ clik HERE ]). This big project included four series of sanitary ware that we will see shortly and they were called: SPACE BOWL, SPACE FREE, SPACE STONE and SPACE CONCEPT.

Globo Open Space series sanitaryware and their covers: Concept, Stone, Space Bowl, Space Free

OPEN SPACE CONCEPT series by Ceramica Globo

Let’s start with the best-selling of the four. We talked about it in the post: ”The floor-standing sanitaryware with caresses (flush with the wall). Wrap-around and soft shapes. Top-fixing toilet seats required. (expa)”. It was produced in a suspended and floor-standing version. And above all in two depths identified with the codes 57.36 and 49.36. All the WC seats for this Globo ceramic series are available in the store at the following link [ clik HERE ]

Globo Open Space series sanitaryware and their covers: Concept, Stone, Space Bowl, Space Free

OPEN SPACE STONE series by Ceramica Globo

It was the geometrically opposite version of Space concept, in fact if in the first one the curves and ovals dominated, in this one what characterises its shape is definitely the rectangle. We talked about it in the post on rectangular WC seats: ”Sanitaryware rectangular shapes. Why do all toilet seats fot this toilet look the same?”. As for the previous series Space Stone was produced both floor-standing and suspended, but above all, as we say in the post just mentioned, in two different depths 54.36 and 45.36 and this explains the success they both achieved with designers and architects who, and I quote the post: “Same shape DNA but reduced overall dimensions. A dream for architects, who while maintaining the stylistic thread can insert the same elements in much smaller spaces (see second bathrooms)“. Here are the links to the Globo section in our shop where you can easily find spare parts for the Stone model! [ clik HERE ]

Globo Open Space series sanitaryware and their covers: Concept, Stone, Space Bowl, Space Free

SPACE BOWL series by Ceramica Globo

Strongly influenced by the style of the period, where soft curves were sought that almost resembled the shape of an egg, this series of Globo ceramics also achieved its stylistic objective. In the following years the company made two reinterpretations that brought the series into the present and slightly softened the shape (in particular, the detail of the toilet bowl siphon, which was previously deliberately highlighted, was hidden). The toilet seat cover for this Space Bowl sanitary ware can be found in the store at the following link [ clik HERE ]

Globo Open Space series sanitaryware and their covers: Concept, Stone, Space Bowl, Space Free

SPACE FREE series by Ceramica Globo

Of the four proposals of the OPEN SPACE project by Ceramica Globo, this is perhaps the one that has established itself (in terms of pieces sold on the market) the least. To us it is the one that has impressed us most from a formal point of view. We consider it the NAKED version of Space Concept, even the name FREE gives the idea of a design freedom that has led to make the body of the sanitaryware really minimal, bringing as a paradox the siphon of the toilet to be the protagonist of the series and in the bathroom! The thermosetting toilet seat with wrap-around lid is available in the Sintesibagno store at the following link [ clik HERE ]

At this point we can say that we have seen the whole catalogue of sanitary ware of ceramic Globo project Open Space and their toilet seats. If you still have doubts about which toilet seat to look for in your bathroom, we suggest you send us an e-mail to info@sintesibagno.it or a WhatsApp message to 3341288978 with two pictures of your toilet seat and a few measurements and we will be able to help you choose. Here is the video on how to proceed in the search for a toilet seat:


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SintesiBagno.it | Progettiamo il tuo benessere | Sintesibagno è da anni leader in Italia ed Europa nella vendita online di copriwater. La nostra esperienza unica ci permette di supportare il cliente nella scelta giusta ed appropriata per il ricambio del copriwater! Affianchiamo i clienti, oltre ad offrire per i modelli di sanitari più diffusi più tipologie di scelta per lo stesso ricambio, grazie al servizio di consulenza online per il RICONOSCIMENTO del COPRIWATER.